Updated 9/7/2024
Appointment Fees
• New Neurology Consult Fee: $375
• Emergency Neurology Consultation: $575
• Recheck: $180
• Technician Appointment: $55
• Telemedicine Recheck: $85
Telemedicine rechecks to go over recent test results are included with the testing fee.
• Extended Record Review: $550 This fee is applied if your pet has an extensive medical history, has seen other specialists, or has had diagnostics like an MRI at other facilities.
Common Procedures
• Full Neurologic Work Up (includes MRI, Spinal tap and common lab testing): $6,000-7,000• MRI alone (does not include appointment fees or required pre-screening tests): $4000
• Myringotomy: $1,500-$2,000
• Surgery for IVDD: $15,000-$18,000
• Surgery to correct Chiari Malformation: $15,000-$20,000
• Surgery to remove brain tumors: $18,000-$25,000
• Advanced spinal procedures, including stabilization or biopsy: $18,000-$25,000
• New Consult: $375
• Recheck: $180
• In-patient Consult: $180 This is the fee for a patient who has already seen one of our other in-house services and recommends a cannabis consult.
• Professional Remote Consult: $105 This consult fee is for Stephen to provide a written in depth consult for a veterinarian with questions about cannabis therapies for their patients or product selection/evaluation.
Appointment Fees
• New Consult: $375
• Recheck: $180
• In-patient Consult: $180 This is the fee for a patient who has already seen one of our other in-house services and recommends a pain consult.
Common Procedures
• Pain Vacation: $1700
• Pain Management Package: $1900 This includes the initial consult, and 9 rechecks for chronic/complicated pain patients.
• Nerve Blocks: $550-$1,700
• Acupuncture Session: $90-$168
•Joint Taps: $210 for the first joint, $160 for each additional joint.
• Monoclonal Antibody Therapy (monthly Librela and Solensia): $85
• Ketamine Therapy: $85
• New Consult: $375
• Follow-Up Session: $180
• Physical Rehabilitation Package (5 sessions): $675
• In-patient Consult: $180 This is the fee for a patient who has already seen one of our other in-house services and recommends rehab.
• Abdominal Ultrasound: $550
• X-rays, first 3 views: $550
• X-rays, additional views: $105
• MRI, first site: $4,000
• MRI, additional site: $2000