Return to Activity

Introduction to RTA

After an initial period of crate rest, we want to gradually return your pet to activity. We don’t want to let them do too much too soon. Overactivity can cause a relapse, so it’s important to go slow.

Most dogs complete the complete crate rest schedule in 8 weeks. However, if you feel like your dog is overly tired, sore or just needs more time you should slow down. The general idea is to start with strict rest, and then gradually add in more exercise and more freedom. We are going to start with controlled activities, like leash walks and physical therapy, and gradually build up to more intense activities. By the recovery period, your pet should be back to doing most of what they want to do.

The Schedule

weeks 1 & 2

This is the period of strict crate rest that we start with. If you pet is improving, and not painful, we will move on to the next step. If they still seem painful, or weak, we may stay in this stage for longer.

Weeks 3 & 4

Slowly increase the length of one of your walks by five minutes. For example if you were doing three ten minute walks a day, on the first walk of the day go for a fifteen minute walk. Keep the subsequent walks short. If your pet seems okay, then two 15 minute walks the next day. The day after, three 15 minute walks. Then increase to one 20 minute walk, and two 15 minute walks and so on. If your pet seems exhausted, it’s okay to cut the walks short. Our goal is to get a good workout, not overdo it.

Gradually increase walks until your pet is going on a minimum of three 30 minute walks a day. If they are used to longer walks than that, then you can continue to increase the walks until they get to what your pet did before the injury.

Week 5

Your pet can start to be out of the crate while supervised now. Make sure they are not running, jumping or getting up on furniture. Start with short periods of time, and gradually build up. Use things like baby gates to block off areas with stairs.

Week 6

Start to let your pet have some time out of the crate unsupervised. Start with short periods of time. For instance, leave your pet out of the crate while you run to the store, or while you are busy in another room. Slowly increase the amount of time your pet is unsupervised. Continue longer walks for exercise.

Weeks 7 & 8

Start to introduce higher impact activity. This is where we can start to go back to daycare, play with friends, and do stairs. Introduce one thing every couple of days until your dog is back to a fairly normal quality of life.

Long Term dos and don’ts

Living with a pet with a spine injury can mean some changes to life. However, it’s important to balance all of these suggestions with your pet’s quality of life. For instance, high impact sports like Flyball are risky. However, if it’s your pet’s favorite thing in life to do, we need to balance that potential risk with the joy it gives your pet. Sometimes it’s worth a little risk to enjoy life. Your dog’s exact condition and history will help determine what’s risky and what’s not. Ask your vet team if you need help figuring this out.

Long Term Dos

  • Use ramps and stairs for the furniture to help minimize jumping

  • Keep your pet happy, fit and active.

  • Focus on low impact exercise as much as is practical.

  • Use a harness rather than a neck collar. Remember to tell your groomer to be careful with neck leads as well.

Long Term Dont’s

  • Don’t encourage high impact activity when practical.

  • Don’t let your dog get overweight and out of shape. Strong muscles help protect the back and neck.

  • Don’t play tug of war with dogs with previous neck problems.

  • Don’t use head collars or neck collars as they could worsen the chance of a neck injury.

Will this happen again?

There are 26 discs in a dog’s spine. If your dog has slipped one disc, there are 25 more chances for this to happen again. In many dogs with disc problems, the problem is genetic. Unfortunately this means their discs are fragile. We can’t fix their genes, so that’s why we recommend some long term caution with high impact activity.

The chances of relapse can be as high as 50% in dogs who did not have any form of surgery, and are generally 10% or less in dogs who have had surgery. If you are concerned that your pet is showing symptoms again (weakness, pain, incontinence, etc) please schedule a recheck exam.

Contact Us:

Mon \ Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Sat: by appointment only

Phone: (415)967-3303


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